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Point Busters Is The Most Trusted Name In Traffic School Courses Online
Aggressive driving is usually a result of or influenced by impaired emotions and anger, resulting in risking injury to ones self and others. In most cases impatience leads to reckless driving and road rage. A great number of motorists drive in an impaired emotional state at times, and some more often than others.
Responsible road use:
When driving, we depend on other drivers and pedestrians responsible actions and re-actions to situations. As the number if vehicles on the road increase and the number if inexperience drivers on the road increase, it causes driving emotions to escalate. Driving on the road takes teamwork and courtesy among all drivers. We need to be knowledgeable, understanding and objective of our own behavior and actions. All persons using public roadways need to keep up with changes in laws. This includes drivers of vehicles and bicycles, as well as pedestrians.
Driving conditions cause us to become emotionally challenged and engaged in a negative way of what's going on around us. Weather, congestion causing delays, road construction, disrespectful or impulsive drivers, cause us to take greater risk ourselves.
Our road system:
Our road system demands continued maintenance, new designs for safety, and easy to follow signs and lane markings. It is important that the city, county, state and federal government continue to address these issues. These changes along with safer vehicles will continue to reduce injuries and deaths on our roads, but only if we balance risk and safety correctly. Accident reduction is a result of our attitude and behavior as drivers when we respond to the safety improvements designed and made to help us.
More Facts About Road Rage:
Don't become angry, furious or hostile while driving, this can be classified as aggressive driving or road rage. Road rage is usually about "yourself." It's your pride, your selfishness or your determination to prove a point to other drivers or pedestrians.
You must recognize your problem or the situtation and deal with it in a simple and safe manner. Not recognizing this problem or quick temper can sometimes cause injury or worse, to you or others. A good drive, within their control, will always take responsibility for the safety and well being of others, whether it is a passanger, pedestrain or another driver.
Remember, every action you take, good or bad, has good or bad consequences.
We can come across situations any time we are driving that may affect "our agenda." We usually don't know why they are in a hurry or why they did what they did, and we should let it go and not pursue or retaliate against the other driver. Forgo the negative attitude and think positive that it was because of an issue of great importance. If it is a driver that is out of control because of drugs or alcohol or something similar, call 911 and report the situation to the authorities.
Your philosophy should be to be the best, most courteous driver you can be.
Some tips that can help you achieve being a good driver:
1. If you tend to be in a rush, try and leave a few minutes earlier, it will help you to not become impatient.
2. If you listen to music while driving, listen to soothing music as it can alter you mood and attitude.
3. When another driver seems to do something you don't like, try not to take it personally, it probably wasn't meant toward you.
4. If you get tempted to get upset, try and think of the times you made a mistake that may have affected other drivers, and you didn't mean to do it.
5. Impatience can make you upset and that can turn in to anger or the onset of road rage. Have compassion for other drivers and pedestrians. Treat others the way wou like to be treated.
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