Point Busters Is The Most Trusted Name In Traffic School Courses Online
Point Busters Is The Most Trusted Name In Traffic School Courses Online
Air bags have, and will save thousands of lives each year, according to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In frontal crashes, air bags reduce deaths among front seat persons by about 28 percent.
Air bags deploy at approximately 150 MPH or more and can be dangerous. Persons sitting unbelted in the front seat can be catapulted into the path of a deploying air bag. This applies to drivers as well as passangers. Infants in rear-facing safety seats on the passenger side can be severely injured because their heads are in the direct path of an inflating air bag.
Drivers should have all children sit in the backseat wearing a safety belt. Infants should be placed in rear-facing car seats and put in the center of the backseat. Small persons should keep the seat back so that they are at least 10 inches from the air bag cover.
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